Cartography of the Banatian Identity Dynamics in the Last Decade: the Registers of Social Attitudes and Social Capital
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 212-228
How to cite this article:Gavreliuc, A., Gavreliuc, D. (2014). Cartography of the Banatian Identity Dynamics in the Last Decade: the Registers of Social Attitudes and Social Capital. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 44, 212-228. |
This paper has resumed the main trends recorded in seven researches coordinated between 2001 and 2012 in Banat (the Western part of Romania) on the regional representative samples (volumes of samples between 1057 to 1481 subjects), evaluating the dynamic of the inter-ethnic and inter-regional relationships from the province and the symbolic relationships between Centre-Province. In the first register, we have used the Bogardus scale as an instrument of evaluation. The object of attitudes have been the ethnical other and the regional other, and we have assessed the evolution of inter-ethnic and inter-regional social attitudes over time. We have observed at the level of social attitudes a fertile interethnic opening toward ethnical otherness, but retractile attitudes toward regional otherness. These outcomes are convergent with the previous researches, proving an inertial dynamic of interethnic and interregional attitudes, which transgress the social and political radical changes. In the second register, we have examined some items belonged to social capital (generalized trust, particularized trust), projective orientation (the direction of things are heading in) and we related them to the public perception regarding the equity of the relation between Centre and Margins. The outcomes indicate a continuity of intensity of the Centre rejection, irrespectively who has been in power in the last years, that suggests that centralist inequity represents a trans-ideological and trans-parties acquisition and practice.
inter-ethnic attitudes; inter-regional attitudes; social capital; social identity.
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