Relevanta factorilor comunicarii interpersonale eficiente la nivelul interactiunii partenerilor cuplului conjugal
Ecaterina Croitor
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-12(02)
Dimensiuni pp. 25-43
This paperwork proposes itself to verify the correspondence between communication and couple relationship. The desire to communicate differs in intensity, each person, depending of the occurrence, is feeling less or more pleasure in the deployment of the process. And yet, the desire is not always enough for the process of communication to optimally evolve, to give to participants the feeling that they understand and are understood. The communication supposes minimum basics conditions to be realized (same codes and the existence of the message) and factors as: openness, empathy, sustainability, positive approach, equality are the poles witch give strength the construction. Going on from studies and theories witch explain the importance of those factors, the ways to interiorize the norms of communication and the practice of the exercises to optimize the communication, it was tried to realize an investigation to establish the level of interaction between the partners of a conjugal couple. The conclusion from the interpretation of this data was that the higher the utilisation of efficient communication factors, the greater the satisfaction is and the couple relationship is more functional.
Comentarii: Lucrarea de fata isi propune verificarea corelatiilor dintre comunicare si relatia de cuplu. Dorinta de a comunica difera in intensitate, fiecare individ in parte, in functie de context, simtind o placere mai mare sau mai mica in desfasurarea acestui proces. Si totusi, dorinta nu este intotdeauna suficienta pentru ca procesul comunicarii sa se desfasoare in mod optim, pentru a naste in interlocutori sentimentul ca inteleg si sunt intelesi. Comunicarea presupune conditii minime fundamentale de realizare (compatibilitatea codurilor si existenta mesajului) iar factori precum: deschidere, empatie, sustinere, abordare pozitiva, egalitate sunt stalpi care consolideaza constructia. Pornind de la studii si teorii care explica importanta factorilor amintiti, modalitatile de interiorizare a normelor comunicarii si practicarea exercitiilor de eficientizare a comunicarii, s-a incercat realizarea unei investigatii cu verificari ale nivelului interactiunii partenerilor cuplului conjugal. Concluzia care s-a desprins din interpretarea datelor a fost ca un grad inalt de utilizare a factorilor comunicarii eficiente se traduce printr-o relatie de cuplu functionala si aducatoare de satisfactii.
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