The Role of Internal and External Social Capital in Crowdfunding: Evidence from China
Chuanhui LIAO, Yunhao ZHU, Xi LIAO
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 187-204
How to cite this article:Liao, C., Zhu, Y., Liao, X. (2015). The Role of Internal and External Social Capital in Crowdfunding: Evidence from China. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 49, 187-204. |
How does a proponent’s internal and external social capital impact crowdfunding
performance? Based on the theory of social capital, we developed a research
model and conducted an econometric analysis using the objective data collected
from a Chinese comprehensive crowdfunding platform, ZhongchouNet. Results
of an econometric analysis of a sample of 862 projects show that two types of the
proponent’s external social capital have significant effect on crowdfunding performance
alone. Moreover, the effect of internal and external social capital on the
success of a campaign is fully moderated by the type of the project. These results
suggest that, to improve crowdfunding performance, the proponents, especially
proponents of for-profit projects, should make good use of the mechanisms of
social capital construction existed inside the crowdfunding platform.
crowdfunding; internal social capital; external social capital; crowdfunding performance.
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