Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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The Assessment of Quality of Life and Biopsychosocial Implications in the Diagnosis of Women’s Urinary Incontinence

The Assessment of Quality of Life and Biopsychosocial Implications in the Diagnosis of Women’s Urinary Incontinence


Ecaterina DALAS, Mircea ONOFRIESCU, Mihaela MOSCALU, Mihaela TARNOVANU, Dragos NEMESCU

Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 143-155

How to cite this article:

Dalas, E., Onofriescu, M., Moscalu, M., Tarnovanu, M., Nemescu, D. (2015). The Assessment of Quality of Life and Biopsychosocial Implications in the Diagnosis of Women’s Urinary Incontinence. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 50, 143-155.


Urinary incontinence is a major cause of morbidity and invalidism which influences the quality of life and affects women of all ages. Therefore, this represents a social or hygiene problem and can be objectively demonstrated. In this context, urinary incontinence can be considered a public health problem, as it causes a significant decrease in the quality of life and affects the patient’s life socially, psychologically, occupationally, physically and sexually. The study addressed these women’s quality of life, so that the result of the analysis would be an optimal collaboration with the patients in order to find the best possible diagnosis and treatment methods. As it is not a life-threatening condition, but rather a personal and social hygiene problem, the necessity of a treatment was perceived differently depending not only on the level of education, but on the degree of social and professional integration, too.


urinary incontinence, quality of life, urogenital distress inventory, social implications.

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