Cauze si forme de manifestare a deviantei scolare
Nicoleta Neagu
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-14(07)
Dimensiuni pp. 112-148, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.14/2006
This article presents the theoretical perspectives of socialization and juvenile delinquency and analyses the new challenges for education in school. The author underlines the importance of school in socialization and prevention the juvenile delinquency and the practice modalities for reducing this phenomenon.
Comentarii: Articolul prezinta perspective teoretice legate de socializare si delincventa in randul elevilor si analizeaza noile provocari pentru perspectivele de educatie in scoli. Autorul subliniaza importanta scolii in prevenirea delincventei juvenile si modalitatile practice de interventie pentru reducerea acestui fenomen.
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