Examining the Critical Factors Affecting Learning Finance Online
Nathan Cheng-Hu CHOW, Hui-Min CHIEN, I-Jan YEH
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 232-248
How to cite this article:Chow, N.C.H, Chien, H.M., Yeh, I.J. (2016). Examining the Critical Factors Affecting Learning Finance Online. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 53, 232-248. |
The utilization of online financial information and learning finance online are
gradually becoming the daily life of most investors and students alike. The purpose
of this study is to tap into the critical factors affecting learning finance online
from the perspectives of graduate students majoring in finance. Three instruments
were implemented in this study to assess the graduate students’ learning motivation
for online financial information (LMOF), Internet self-efficacy (ISS),
and commitments to online financial information (FICS). Our results suggest that
the male participants scored higher on all the domains of information searching,
and gender differences in motivational issues have been noted as well. Interestingly,
we also found that the participants tend not to believe in the accuracy of
online financial information from well-known websites, official information or
expert information. As confirmed in other studies, our findings indicate that
finance students applied an assortment of standards to seek information via the
learning finance online, internet self-efficacy, learning motivation, financial information commitment.
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