Postmodern Ethics and the Reconstruction of Authenticity in Communication-Based Society
Iulia GRAD, Sandu FRUNZA
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 326-336
How to cite this article:Grad, I., Frunza, S. (2016). Postmodern Ethics and the Reconstruction of Authenticity in Communication-Based Society. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 53, 326-336. |
The new type of society that postmodernism brings has at its base not only a
new conception of the human being, but also on its ethical condition. To avoid any
conflict between ethical absolutism and relativism and also to avoid falling into a
nonfunctional ethical relativism, postmodern thinking brings a complex construction
of plural ethical options. We use the concepts of communication ethics,
relational ethics, interpretation ethics, responsibility ethics, dissemination ethics,
and authenticity ethics with the purpose to establish a few landmarks in configuring
the ethical attitude of the postmodern man. The construction of postmodern
ethical relativism under the sign of a relational ethics opens the ethical practices
towards a building of a reality defined by personal instances that relate to the
imagined community and an imagined horizon. The purpose of all these is to
accomplish the good life as an authentic existence.
social construction, communication-based society, ethical communication, relational ethics, interpretation ethics, responsibility ethics, dissemination ethics, authenticity ethics.
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