Early Repair Benefits In Cognitive Development of Patients With Tetralogy of Fallot
Manuel CHIRA, Dana Florica CIOTLAUS, Grigore TINICA,
Simona MANOLE, Diana Maria SACUI, Adrian MOLNAR
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 78-88
How to cite this article:Chira, M., Ciotlaus, D.F., Tinica, G., Manole, S., Sacui, D.M., Molnar, A. (2017). Early Repair Benefits in Cognitive Development of Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 57, 78-88. |
Assessment of psychological development and cognitive outcome of surgically
corrected patients with Tetralogy of Fallot, determined by the preoperative chronic
cerebral hypoxia. This paper studies a group of 71 patients operated in our clinic
between September 1st 2001 and July 1st 2006, all surgically corrected without
prior palliations. The surgical techniques were: transannular patch (n=46), infundibular
patch ± pulmonary artery (PA) patch (n=17), and transatrial and transpulmonary
correction (n=8). The patients were divided into 2 groups, operated
below 1 year of age and above 1 year of age, for comparative study of results. 58
patients were followed up, performing a pediatric psychological evaluation. The
effects over patients’ IQ of two major components were studied: preoperative
chronic hypoxia and family environment. Major differences were noticed between
the two groups, as followed: the patient’ IQ values were statistically significant
different among the two groups (higher values for patients operated below 1 year
of age); there is an inverse ratio between IQ values and preoperative hematocrit
(statistically significant); the IQ values distribution is slightly different between
the two groups of age: the IQ values in patients operated above 1 year of age are
significantly different depending on parents scholar degrees. Delay in surgical
correction, beyond 1 year of age, in patients with Tetralogy of Fallot, could have
deleterious effects over cognitive outcome of these patients (longer period of
preoperative chronic cerebral hypoxia). The cognitive outcome also correlates
with parents’ scholar degrees, in older patients.
Tetralogy of Fallot, Intelligence testing, Psychological testing, Intelligence quotient, Cognitive development.
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