Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Volumul: 61/2018/iunie



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Nr. Titlu articol Afişări
1 Cognitive Mechanism and Intervention Strategies of Coal Miners’ Unsafe Behaviors: Evidence from China 6917
2 Depression and Deficiencies of Intimacy and Community Integration in Older Patients 7192
3 Resilience and Risk Factors in Children Originated from Families in which Parents Migrate due to Labor Conditions 7169
4 Social Capital, Resource Acquisition, and Return Migrant Peasants’ Entrepreneurial Performance: an Empirical Study Based on the Micro Survey Data from the Yangtze River Delta in China 6997
5 Research on the Relationship between Organization Culture and Its Justice in the Health Profession 7189
6 Multiple Migrations and intra-European Mobilities of Italian Naturalized Migrants 7179
7 The Impact of Human Resource Management on the Performance of Government Institutions in the Sultanate of Oman 7195
8 A Study on the Correlation among Brand Image, Perceived Risk, and Purchase Intention in Food and Beverage Industry 7833
9 Based on Competitive Strategy to Discuss the Eff ect of Organizational Operation on Business Performance in High-Tech Industries 6871
10 Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy is Associated with Reduced Depressive Symptoms: A One-Year Follow-Up Study 7022
11 Discussion of Key Success Factor in Nurse Retention in Medical Industry in China 7143
12 Statistical Analysis of Hospitalized Morbidity Indicators based on DRG in Romanian Public Hospitals 7237
13 The Impact of the R&D Expenditure and Patent Rights towards Operating Performance in Medical Device Industry – An Empirical Study 6913
14 The Influence of Speech Disorders on the Social Insertion of Children and Adolescents in the Region of Moldova 7438
15 Youth Dropouts in Israel and Their Treatment in the Youth Advancement Units 6906
16 Considerations on Child Abuse from a Medical and Psychosocial Perspective 7221
17 Public Affairs and Social Constructionism: An Explanatory Paradigm 6872
18 Behavioral Development is better after Early Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot 7344