Migratia - caracteristici ale fenomenului
Vasile Miftode
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-15(01)
Dimensiuni pp. 7-20, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.15/2006
The specific aspects of Romanian transition and the liberalization of population mobility, especially into the European region, have generated a series of positive as well as negative phenomena. The strongest phenomenon present in almost all
fields is the migration to new jobs „from outside” of very different demographical categories from Romania. There are multiple effects, some are related to the subjective dimension of personality, especially that of the „temporarily abandoned”
children, but the phenomenon is objective and is included in the logic of transition to another type of civilization and in the logic of inter-societal relations, and even more so in the case of the „metabolism” developed countries – underdeveloped
or „in transition” countries.
Specificul tranzitiei romanesti si liberalizarea mobilitatii populatiei, mai ales in spatiul european, au generat o serie de fenomene atat pozitive, cat si negative. Cel mai puternic fenomen, implicat in mai toate domeniile, fiind migrarea spre locuri de munca din exterior a unor categorii demografice foarte diferite din Romania. Efectele sunt multiple, unele vizeaza dimensiunea subiectiva a personalitatii, in deosebi a copiilor temporar abandonati, dar fenomenul este obiectiv si se inscrie in logica tranzitiei spre un alt tip de civilizatie si in logica raporturilor inter-societale, cu atat mai mult in cazul "metabolismului" tari dezvoltate - tari subdezvoltate sau "in tranzitie" - (parafrazand clasicul metabolism rural-urban).
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