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Evolution of foster care in Romania (6)

Evolution of foster care in Romania


Daniela Cojocaru


Lumen, 2006

Cod CED: 1584-5397-15(06)
Dimensiuni pp. 75-83, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.15/2006


This article was presented at the International Conference PROPHYLACTICS OF CHILD ABANDONMENT: PROBLEMS, OBSTACLES AND LESSONS LEARNED, organized by the National Committee for Child Protection of the Government of Kazakhstan, UNICEF Kazakhstan and Women`s League of Creative Initiative, between the 22nd and the 23rd of November, 2006, in Astana, and it aimed to highlight the results of a nation-wide study concerning the child protection system in Romania carried out in 2006. The presentation aims to analyse the evolution of the foster care system in Romania and the aspects related to the development of this social service, to inventory the issues that need to be considered in order to initiate a foster care service from the perspective of child protection professionals who were consulted either in individual interviews or within focus group discussions organised in order to collect data in 2006 in several Romanian directorates of social protection. The statistic data were obtained following the application of questionnaires at national level.


Acest articol a fost prezentat la Conferinta Internationala cu tema PROPHYLACTICS OF CHILD ABANDONMENT: PROBLEMS, OBSTACLES AND LESSONS LEARNED, organizata de Comitetul National pentru Protectia Copilului, subordonat Governului din Kazakhstan, Unicef Kazakhstan and Women s League of Creative Initiative, in perioada 22-23 November, 2006, in Astana si a urmarit sublinierea unor rezultate ale unui studiu national privind sistemul de protectie a copilului din Romania, realizat in anul 2006. Prezentarea urmareste sa evidentieze evolutia sistemului de asistenta maternala din Romania si aspectele legate de o dezvoltarea acestui serviciu social, un inventar de probleme care trebuie avut in vedere pentru initierea serviciului de asistenta maternala, formulat din perspectiva profesionis tilor din domeniul protectiei copilului, care au fost consultati fie prin interviuri individuale, fie prin intermediul focus grupurilor organizate pentru culegerea datelor in anul 2006, in mai multe directii judetene de asistenta sociala din Romania. Datele statistice sunt obtinute in urma aplicarii unor chestionare la nivel national.