Cadrul legislativ privind problematica copiilor care sunt lipsiti de ingrijirea
Catalin Luca
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-15(18)
Dimensiuni pp. 185-181, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.15/2006
The problems met by the children who are unaccompanied and in need of the parents care during the time their parents are working abroad, are partially approached through the Order nr. 219/15th June 2006. But this order covers insufficiently these problems because it doesn t address to the children of the parents who are illegally working abroad, or to the children who remains with one parent (with alcoholism, aggressive etc.) or other situations which present a risk for the child. Parent s leaving to work abroad is a form of neglect and has emotional and social consequences on the children`s development. The children`s vulnerability to trafficking in human beings, sexual and work exploitation and other types of abuse should make the parents and authorities worry.
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