Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Legitim si ilegitim in practica drepturilor si a discriminarilor sociale (1)

Legitim si ilegitim in practica drepturilor si a discriminarilor sociale


Vasile Miftode


Lumen, 2007

Cod CED: 1584-5397-16(01)
Dimensiuni pp. 7-34, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.16/2007


In this article, the author presents some theories and ideologies in human rights. Based on diversity of interests and on the characteristics of minorities, the perspective of article debates the contradictions between the interests of majorities face to minorities interest, translated in social politics. The based hypothesis is that linked with the conflicts between the real protection and legitimating of social politics of minorities that can reduce the general rights of humanity. Nobody can ask or force one right that can be in contradiction or annulated the natural rights of other persons.