Committing incest between ignorance and obliviousness
Dumitru Stan
Lumen, 2009
Cod: 1584-5397-26-3
Dimensiuni: pp.48-59
How to cite this article:Stan, D. (2009). Committing incest between ignorance and obliviousness. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 26, 48-59. |
If the sociologists were to briefly define condition of society for the last five-six decades, then the best available formula for them would be „crisis after crisis”. Painful turmoil has been produced in politics, economy, army, administration, morals, family etc., that is to say both in the public and private area. It is interesting that these areas are overlapping post-modernity period and that we do not associate this age to its successes but to different forms of crisis. This study is therefore centred on the analysis of incest, a critical and private fact with enormous social effects, which humankind knew how to properly manage in postmodern ages since it applied various laws to explicitly forbidden it. A decrease of the social control over the incest along with a dramatic increase of the incest offenders is being currently reported. The next pages therefore will not only report the incest to the family crisis and identify the generic meanings of this fact, but it will also numerically estimate the incest offenders in Romania, delimitate categories of victims and aggressors and especially consider the opportunity/inopportunity of changing the Romanian laws towards not criminalizing nonaggressive incest.
Prohibition of incest, aggressive incest, non-aggressive incest, sexual communism, family crisis, sexual abuse, vulnerability, child abuse, victim, offender, psycho-moral maturity, social credibility.
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