Flexible working time arrangements in Romania
Elena Zamfir (Institutul de Cercetari pentru Calitatea Vietii, Academia Romana)
Lumen, 2010
Dimensiuni: pp. 49-77
How to cite this article:Zamfir, E. (2010). Flexible working time arrangements in Romania. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 28, 49-77. |
The objective of the paper is the analysis of women-related issues focusing on labour market policies and work flexibility in Romania. The active internal dynamics regarding gender issues are strongly influenced by the national and international political processes, especially those incorporating the necessary changes of European and international labour regulations. Anti-discriminatory strategies need to be promoted at every level of society. Sources of information are: literature in the field, official EU Commission documents, and reports of Romanian public institutions: National Institute of Statistics, Research Institute of the Quality of Life ( ICCV), as well as, research and reports of international organisations in Romania .Also analysed is information about the regulatory framework of labour flexibility at the national level, collective agreements, company level; working time organisation and its impact on private and family life, innovative working time arrangements. In Romania, especially in the last two years, there is an evident social stress generated by lower income, the increasing rate of unemployment and a lack of job security; and the risk involved in the new economic system yielding an increased level of corruption. Finally, an analysis of the current Romanian society shows the need to introduce efficient social policy for the labour market for supporting women in their work and private life.
Flexicurity, flexible work, work time arrangements, nondiscriminatory work policies, collective labour agreements .
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