Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Student's Quality of Life and Employability Skills: SQALES un dispositif et un instrument au service des universités. Exemple d'utilisation au Luxembourg, en Belgique et en Roumanie

Student's Quality of Life and Employability Skills: SQALES un dispositif et un instrument au service des universités. Exemple d'utilisation au Luxembourg, en Belgique et en Roumanie

[Student's Quality of Life and Employability Skills: SQALES a device and a tool for universities. Example of use in Luxembourg, Belgium and Romania]


Marie-Emmanuelle Amara (Université du Luxembourg et Université de Nancy 2 France)
Michèle Baumann (Unité de Recherche INSIDE Sociologie, Université du Luxembourg ),
Véronique Pelt (Unité de Recherche INSIDE Sociologie, Université du Luxembourg)
Jean-François Guillaume (Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Université de Liège, Belgique)
Ion Ionescu (Département Sociologie et Travail Social, Université Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iasi, Romania)


Lumen, 2010

Dimensiuni: pp. 97-114

How to cite this article:

Amara, M.E.,  Baumann, M., Pelt, V., Guillaume, J.F., Ionescu, I. (2010). Student's Quality of Life and Employability Skills: SQALES un dispositif et un instrument au service des universités. Exemple d'utilisation au Luxembourg, en Belgique et en Roumanie. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 28, 97-114.


Underpinned by reforms initiated under the Bologna process, the European universities today have to develop student's skills and to prepare them for sustainable employment. In this article, we try to illustrate the changing roles of universities, highlighting the importance of the concept of competences. We present the first use of SQALES (process and tool) among students from three European universities (Luxembourg, Belgium, Romania) entering in their first year of social sciences study. Our results show that the evaluation of the employability skills is possible and can even be recommended as a guide to adjusting curricula and to implementing programmes of assistance tailored to identify student needs.


Competences – Employability – Students – Europe .

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