Care through deliberation: A new role of the ethics of care
Sanja IVIC
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 80-94
How to cite this article:Ivic, S. (2010). Care through deliberation: A new role of the ethics of care. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 31, 80-94. |
The second generation model of deliberation can serve as an effective tool for
institutionalization and establishing the ethics of care. Ethics of care and second
generation deliberative democracy both recognize otherness and diversity and
create the “policy of difference” and more inclusive, more substantive notion of
citizenship. They imply the idea of autonomy of the will that is based on diversity
and uniqueness of human experience. The first generation model of deliberation
founded on reason that implies sameness and universal citizenship denies otherness
and difference. Consequently, it cannot represent the foundation for the care
ethics. The same can be argued for the third generation model of deliberation that
emphasizes self-interest, because it is contrary to the fundamental principles of
deliberative democracy itself.
ethics, care, feminism, deliberation, autonomy
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