Reteaua de servicii sociale specifice
Maria Cojocaru
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-15(17)
Dimensiuni pp. 174-184, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.15/2006
The Romanian post-December 1989 transition to the market economy has conduced to a deindustrialization process which was concretized into real salaries reduce for several Romanian citizens, also to life level diminution, unemployment rate
development, emigration amplifying from Romania. Migration is a phenomenon which consists in moving of people from a territory area to another one, followed by changing the domicile or employing a form of activity within the arrived area.
The external migration phenomenon has also some social implications: positives for the emigrants from Romania (finding work, obtaining great revenues), however for the adverse social-economical activities in labor into the countries where it
emigrates; negatives for Romanian country (depopulation of some localities or areas, lost young specialists) and for destination countries too (export of infringement, begged practice, organized crime). Such phenomena have generated obligatory repatriates and have compromised the Romania`s image within the world.
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