Din punct de vedere constructivist spre alte cai
Ion I. Ionescu
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-12(04)
Dimensiuni PP. 50-58
Following A. Giddens book The Third Way , but also his ideas about the understanding of the social matter by social and methodical integration, power, rules, norms, social values, social changes, this article presents a constructive analysis of the globalization of democracy and of the positive results, auspicious to this phenomenon, on political, economical and social life of many countries: economical development, the width of technological horizons, social development, but, the most important thing, the institutional reform. The government must create a macro economical stability, make investments in the infrastructure, in the education, to defeat the inequality (so evident in Romania on the social and economical plan) and assure equal chances of self accomplishment. It is necessary to democratize the democracy , the foundation of a new political culture. There is a need of institutional and constitutional reform, the elimination of the privileges, assuming one's responsibilities.
Comentarii: Pornind de la cartea lui A. Giddens The Third Way, dar si de la ideile aceluiasi autor despre intelegerea socialului prin integrarea sociala si sistemica, putere, reguli, norme, valori sociale, schimbare sociala etc., articolul de fata prezinta o analiza din punct de vedere constructivist a globalizarii democratiei si a consecintelor pozitive, favorabile ale acestui fenomen asupra vietii politice, economice si sociale a multor state: cresterea economica, largirea orizonturilor tehnologice, dezvoltarea sociala, dar, mai presus, reforma institutionala. Guvernul trebuie sa creeze stabilitate macroeconomica, sa faca investitii in infrastructura, in educatie, sa combata inegalitatea (atat de vizibila in Romania pe plan socioeconomic) si sa asigure sanse egale de realizare de sine. Se impune democratizarea democratiei, instituirea unei noi culturi politice. Trebuie reforma institutionala, constitutionala, indepartarea privilegiilor, asumarea responsabilitatilor.
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