The Perception of Community Social Support among Young Foreign-Born People in Catalonia
Jaume del Campo SORRIBAS, Ruth VILA BAŃOS, María Ángeles MARÍN GRACIA
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 75-90
How to cite this article:Sorribas, J.C., Vila Banos, R., Marín Gracia, M.A. (2014). The Perception of Community Social Support among Young Foreign-Born People in Catalonia. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 45, 75-90. |
The study presented in this paper investigates the perceptions of social support in the community held by young foreign-born people reaching the age of transition from obligatory secondary education to post-obligatory. A descriptive field study, in the form of a survey with a comparative statistical analysis, was carried out. In contrast to results obtained at high-school level (meso) and friendships/close friendships level (micro), the information obtained in this study indicates that the macro level is not a source of support for young people. The young participants in our study agree that foreign-born people have more difficulty receiving support, independently of whether or not they have received it in the past. The results also show differences between young natives and foreigners in their concept of community support.
social support, community support, perception social support, perception social support young foreign-born, community support young foreignborn.
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