The European Union Cohesion Policy and External Migration in Romania. Multistage Analysis
Ionel BOSTAN, Cristian POPESCU, Elena-Doina DASCALU,
Bogdan-Narcis FIRTESCU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 96-114
How to cite this article:Bostan, I., Popescu, C., Dascalu, E.D., Firtescu, B.N. (2016). The European Union Cohesion Policy and External Migration in Romania. Multistage Analysis. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 54, 96-114. |
This study analyses the effect of sums allotted within the framework of EU
cohesion policy on the labour market in Romania from the perspective of workers’
migration. It is expected that a positive effect of the implementation of operational
programmes should contribute to improving living and working conditions and to
diminishing migration flows from Romania. In this study we undertake a multistage
analysis. In the first stage we analyse the institutional framework in which
cohesion and convergence policies are applied, and present the operational programmes
and the allotted sums. The next stage in the analysis focuses on the
phenomenon of migration from Romania, and it highlights the socio-economic
reasons that push Romanians to migrate. The final stage makes a connection
between migration and cohesion policies, and it analyses the efficiency of European
fund allocations on labour market indicators. Our analysis has highlighted
the fact that funds allotted to Romania via operational programmes during the
period 2007-2013 did not have a major impact on leveling out development gaps
and on the induction of a state of convergence.
cohesion policy, migration, integration, special allocations, European funds, communitarian objectives.
Download: The European Union Cohesion Policy and External Migration in Romania. Multistage Analysis
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