Positive Thinking as a Moral and Existential Virtue
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 261-276
How to cite this article:Frunza, S. (2017). Positive Thinking as a Moral and Existential Virtue. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 59, 261-276. |
Positive thinking is a self-preservation principle specific to human nature. It
represents a form of affirming the freedom of man as an individual and social
being. Starting from the analysis of human condition from the perspective of
Cogito, as it is developed in Descartes’ philosophy, we gather that thinking is
associated to an existential dimension that assumes a permanent association of
ethics with authenticity. From the perspective of personal development, positive
thinking is both a characteristic that differentiates man from animals, and a quality
of the human being that can be cultivated as a moral and existential virtue. It
guides the human being toward exiting from crisis and towards living a happy and
authentic life. It is in the individual’s power to choose to enhance the power of
positive thinking in order to feel fulfilled and to live a better lie.
positive thinking, social dimension, interpersonal dimension, authentic life, virtue, practical philosophy, Descartes.
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and Existential Virtue
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