The role of planning in social change. The perspective of social projectionism
Stefan Cojocaru
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-15(12)
Dimensiuni pp. 138-144, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.15/2006
Social planning means for some authors - the development, expansion and coordination of social services and of social policies using resources rationally for solving problems both at local and at society level -(Lauffer, 1981:583). This planning process is achieved by designing a social intervention starting from the analysis of needs, by assessing the existing services, identifying and analysing the social problem, and then finding the solutions that would lead the change in the desired direction. This articles presents the types of social planning and the perspectives of social projectionism that influence the changes in contemporary society.
Presented at the International Conference THE STATE POLICY TOWARD FAMILY AND CHILDREN. WAYS OF IMPLEMENTATION organized by Ministry of Culture and Information Kazakhstan, National Committee For Child Protection from Government of Kazakhstan, and Republic Union of Women Kazakhstan (24-25 November, 2006, Almaty, Kazakhstan)
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