Educatia, cultura si religia in perspectiva drepturilor si a discriminarilor sociale
Camelia Nicoleta Morariu
Lumen, 2007
Cod CED: 1584-5397-16(10)
Dimensiuni pp.117-126, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.16/2007
Given the context of the Romanian society and the European Union membership of Romania a location for civilization, culture and good development- the issue of human rights and anti-discrimination strategies is identified with a system of priority domains of influencing factors and ordinary citizens. We start from the hypothesis that a real implementation of the rights of different social categories and a significant reduction of discrimination occurrence had to be based on what happens in the social reality, on facts and specific resources. It is important to have a pragmatic perspective on human rights and on what is defined as discrimination, on one hand, as well as on changing the ideology, popular, dogmatic and political like practice which affects at the present the social domain, on another hand. We can state that the issue of the right to have a religion or faith, to have a culture or to be able to express freely is interconnected with the level of education and the nature of fundamental socialization of the beneficiary or solicitant.
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