Impactul serviciilor de asistenta maternala in contextul reformei sistemului de protectie a copilului
Nicoleta Neamtu
Lumen, 2007
Cod CED: 1584-5397-17(3)
Dimensiuni pp: 53-65, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, Vol. 17/2007
The purpose of this study is to assess the progress of family placement at professional foster carers toward the objectives of government reform in child welfare in Romania. The research was exhaustive, on population, the first entry cohort of children placed with professional foster carers in Sibiu County in 1999. The outcomes of services, for the 136 children studied, are followed until the end of 2005. The research design was a longitudinal one and the investigation strategy was evaluation research, focused on outcomes through the analysis of administrative data of public interest. More than 80% of the children were successful to get a permanent family as a result of foster care services until the end of 2005. The main impact of professional foster care was the massive discharge of older children, 6-14 years old, from long term placements in institutions. The final outcome for the majority of children was international adoption. The methodology and analysis used in this study can help the decision-makers to find out quickly the effects of new reform strategies, under new practices and expectations.
Foster care, reform in child protection, social impac
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