Copii si copilarii sau mediul familial si (re)victimizarea copilului
Gabriela Irimescu
Lumen, 2007
Cod CED:1584-5397-17(4)
Dimensiuni pp: 66-78, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, Vol. 17/2007
The perception about child maltreatment is visible changed today comparing with the past. The transition from ignorance to recognition and then to prevention is very relevant. Taboo subject for Romanian in the last years, child abuse phenomenon is a social reality now. The scientific social studies and researches about this subject are not too large. This paper is about a theoretical frame of reference of the topic, questions to be asked in the future and suggestions about intervention in child abuse cases.
Child abuse, revictimization, social intervention, attachment
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