Copilul si deprivatizarea vietii familiale
Lumen, 2007
Cod 1584-5397-19-2
Dimensiuni pp. 23-34, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, Vol. 19/2007
This article surveys some theoretical approaches of public and private concepts, focusing the constructionist framework of family private; according to this approach, the domestic order is a cultural construction, deprivatized by multiple institutional mesages, adressed to the child and to his welfare. Further, we interogate the deprivatization of care in foster families.
Care, domesticity, public, private, child protection.
Comentarii: Acest articol trece in revista o serie de abordari teoretice ale conceptelor de public si privat, detaliind perspectiva constructionisa a privatului familial; conform acestei abordari, ordinea domestica este o constructie culturala, deprivatizata de o multitudine de mesaje institutionale, adresate copilului si bunastarii lui. In continuare este interogata deprivatizarea experientei de ingrijire, in familia de asistenta maternala.
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