Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Adoptabilite et apparentement, deux points faibles de l adoption [Adoptability and relatedness, two of adoption's weak points]

Adoptabilite et apparentement, deux points faibles de l adoption [Adoptability and relatedness, two of adoption's weak point]


Catherine SELLENET


Lumen, 2009

Dimensiuni: pp. 31-43

How to cite this article:

Sellenet, C. (2009). Adoptabilite et apparentement, deux points faibles de l’ adoption. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 25, 31-43.


Adoption, either domestic or international, poses numerous problems in terms of the approval of adopters, of the reception of the adopted, of the meeting of two desires and two histories: that of the child and that of the adopters. The studies approaching adoption in terms of difficulties and even failures are rare. The following text, an excerpt from the book Souffrances dans l’adoption (Sellenet, 2009), approaches the complex issue of a child’s adoptability and of relatedness. These two points represent two stumbling blocks, and the reflection proposed by the author is based on a study including 428 situations of adopted children in great difficulty, taken into the charge of the Child Protection Authority after their adoption between 2003 and 2005.


Adoption, adoptability, relatedness

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