Attending parenting education programmes in Romania. The case of the Holt Romania Iasi programme
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 140 - 154
How to cite this article:Cojocaru, D. (2011). Attending parenting education programmes in Romania. The case of the Holt Romania Iasi programme. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 32, 140-154. |
The article presents the partial results of a study concerning the factors that influence the participation of rural-environment parents in parenting education programmes. The research aims to explore the mechanisms that lead to a higher number of participants joining parenting education programmes, as well as to an increase of the beneficial effects these classes have on parents, starting from the perspectives and opinions of parents who had taken parenting classes. Aside from the factors that pertain to the organisation of courses by the providers of such programmes, we see as equally important the personal motivational factors such as: investing in personal growth, the need for socialisation and learning, the clinical (therapeutic) effect of participation and the opportunity of escaping domestic routine. All these factors may become analysis frameworks for the providers of parenting education, supplying information that may be used for refining the contents and the form of organising parenting education classes.
parenting; parent education; grounded theory; participation; personal development; clinical (therapeutic) effect; domestic routine
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