European Union Membership Process of Turkey:
Perspective of Rural Area
Sema GÜN, Özlem Karahan UYSAL, Celile Ö.DÖLEKOGLU, Serpil YILMAZ
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 197-211
How to cite this article:Gün, S., Uysal, O.K., Dölekoglu, C.O., Yilmaz, S. (2011). European Union Membership Process of Turkey: Perspective of Rural Area. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 34, 197-211. |
In the present research5, the knowledge level and the perceptions of rural society that would be affected from the EU membership in many ways, basically as the practitioners and beneficiaries, and constitute 30% of the population of the
country are investigated. The standpoint of individuals living in rural areas, their expectations from membership and their opinions about the membership are analysed. The study encloses the results of questionnaires administered between the last quarter of 2005 and the first quarter of 2006 with 795 women and 795 men in 18 provinces. In the study 55% of the 1590 individuals surveyed know what the
EU means and 67% of these individuals lean towards the membership. It is determined that the level of consciousness of men is higher than for women. The quality enhancement in agricultural production appears to be the most remarkable expectations of both women and men from the membership. Besides it is also determined that the expectations of better employment opportunities and the attainment of an increase in income are higher among women.
European Union; candidate country; rural area; social cohesion; common position; territorial cohesion
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