Transition from Education to the Active Life for Accounting Graduates. A Grounded Theory Study.
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 94-106
How to cite this article:Pacurari, D., Nechita, E. (2013). Transition from Education to the Active Life for Accounting Graduates. A Grounded Theory Study. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala ,40, 94-106. |
This paper examines the individual and social factors the master graduates in Accounting from “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bac\u face with when they search for a job. At first, we emphasize the main concerns of the university education in Accounting. Then we present an analysis of the data coming from 19 essays written by master graduates, revealing their personal experiences related to the transition from the student status to that of employee. This undertaking has been realized using the Classical Grounded Theory approach and investigates the relationships between factors such as theoretical training, practical experience, self-development attention and the success in getting the desired work place. The hypotheses of the theory grounded in the available data consider the influence of these factors and could be useful both for students and for the teachers who can guide them in the transition to the active life. In order to offer information on the background of the participants in our study, we have included in the paper some information regarding the university education in accounting, in Romania and in the North-East region of Romania.
accounting education; competencies; master students; job search; employment; graduates insertion; self-development; grounded theory.
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