Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Victime si agresori in domeniul abuzului sexual comis in familie - studii de caz [Victims and aggressors in sex abuse on family: case studies]

Victime si agresori in domeniul abuzului sexual comis in familie - studii de caz [Victims and aggressors in sex abuse on family: case studies]


Sorin M. Radulescu (Institutul de Sociologie al Academiei Romane)


Lumen, 2010

Dimensiuni: pp. 23-48

How to cite this article:

Radulescu, S.M. (2010). Victime si agresori in domeniul abuzului sexual comis in familie - studii de caz. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 28, 23-48.


The article presents the main findings of the qualitative survey concerning child sexual abuse in the family, which was carried out in the summer of 2009 by members of the staff of sociology of deviance and social problems within the Romanian Academy Institute of Sociology. In this sense, it emphasizes favoring factors in committing acts of sexual abuse and presents distinct characteristics of victims and aggressors, exemplified with several case studies carried out by investigators. The last part of the article underlines opinions on these matters of several representatives from institutions of social assistance and protection of abused children, who were consulted as experts in the field.


Sexual abuse; case studies; victims; abusers; favoring factors; risk factors; social assistance and protection of abused children.

Download: Victime si agresori in domeniul abuzului sexual comis in familie - studii de caz [Victims and aggressors in sex abuse on family: case studies]