Is it Desirable or Useful to Believe in a Just World?
Bernard GANGLOFF, Crisanta-Alina MAZILESCU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 150-161
How to cite this article:Gangloff, B., Mazilescu, C.A. (2015). Is it Desirable or Useful to Believe in a Just World? Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 51, 150-161. |
Recent studies have lately highlighted the normative character of the belief in
a just world. Conferring an object the status of a social norm means assigning
value (in terms of desirability and utility) to that object. So we questioned the
value assigned to the belief in a just world. 170 employees were therefore interrogated
on the desirability and utility they would attribute to a future work
colleague (future peer or subordinate) based on the responses the latter was
supposed to have given to a questionnaire on the belief in a just world. It turns out
that believers in a just world are almost always preferred to non-believers, both in
terms of desirability, as well as utility, regardless of their future status (peer vs.
subordinate). This result thus confirms the normativity of the belief in a just
beliefs, social desirability, social utility, judgments, actions.
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