Speranta de viata, calitatea vietii si potentialul de reabilitare la pacientii amputati [Life expectation, quality of life and rehabilitation potential of amputee's patients]
Radu Florin Popa
Cristina Popa
Lumen, 2009
Dimensiuni:pp. 87-94
How to cite this article:Popa, R.F., Popa, C. (2009). Life expectation, quality of life and rehabilitation potential of amputee's patients. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 24, 87-94. |
There are multiple causes leading to major amputations, posttraumatic amputations in young people representing a low percentage, while most of the major amputations are secondary to peripheral arterial disease. The one year life expectancy of these patients drops dramatically and mortality represents 6.5% to 16% after 1 year, and from 39% to 57% after 3 years. The cause of this high mortality rate isn`t the amputation itself but the multiple organs lesions due to systemic arteriosclerosis. Eventhough there have been attempts to create a multidisciplinary team including different doctors and specially trained nurses, the expectations after a major amputation are hard to predict and the functional outcome isn`t satisfying. The impact of an amputation on the patient`s life can be evaluated using different techniques of investigation (multiple answer quiz). They found that after correction for age the only significant predictor for functional outcome was one-leg balance (ability to stand unassisted for 5 seconds on one leg). They also showed that cognitive impairment was important as was advanced age at amputation in predicting a poor functional outcome. Another predictor used to evaluate the patients was quality of life using the Nottingham Program. Research showed that the patients who suffered major amputations due to peripheral arterial disease have more social and emotional disturbances than those of same sex and age without amputations. Using either a wheelchair or a prosthesis improves both their quality of life and life expectancy.
Quality of life; life expectance; major amputations; chronic arteriopathies.
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