Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Volumul: 49/2015/Iunie

Guest Editors:

Pere AMOROS MARTI, University of Barcelona, Spain.

Filtru titlu     Arată # 
Nr. Titlu articol Afişări
1 The Influence of the Crisis on the Pillars of the Welfare State. The opinion of EU citizens 13116
2 The Transition to University of At-Risk Groups in Spain: The Case of Students from Vocational Education and Training 13037
3 Primary School Teachers’ Attitudes and Knowledge Levels on Democracy and Multicultural Education: A Scale Development Study 13240
4 Obesity in Primary Care – A Social and Integrative Therapeutical Attitude 13512
5 Associations between Area of Residence and Cardiovascular Risk 13362
6 The Impact of Public Health Care Services on the Patients’ Perception as Regards the Health Institutions Brand on the Background of the Health Reform in Romania 13291
7 The Socioeconomic Status – A Risk Factor for the Low Birth Weight 13459
8 Exploring the effects of Organizational Justice on Employees’ Innovative Behavior in Hospitality Industry from the Aspect of Organizational Support 12985
9 Tourism Education: Using Curriculum Mapping to Shorten the Gap between Learning and Applying 13095
10 Students’ Opinions about the Effectiveness of Guidance and Orientation Module in Turkey 13401
11 The Impacts of Perceived Market Orientation in Higher Education: Student as a Customer 13159
12 Crisis of the Welfare State: An Analysis of the Responses from Social Work 13045
13 The Role of Internal and External Social Capital in Crowdfunding: Evidence from China 14069
14 Psychosocial Implications of Childhood Obesity 14693
15 The Gap between Bioethics Principlism and Judicial Responsibility: How Social Sciences Can Help Romanian Law 12870
16 Communication between the Legislator and Society: The Case of Medicine and Healthcare in Romania 12464
17 The Social Role of Healthcare Technology 13358
18 Predictors of Institutionalization in Dementia 13862
19 Chronic Diseases – Medical and Social Aspects 13953